A short example of implicitly linking the LPSolve library using CMake in C++
This is a short note on getting lpsolve to work for the C++ api. It actually took me a while to get it working, so I thought this minimal example might perh...
I am a PhD student in computer science at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. The purpose of this site is to showcase my research and side projects. I also blog about various things that I find interesting.
This is a short note on getting lpsolve to work for the C++ api. It actually took me a while to get it working, so I thought this minimal example might perh...
This is an ongoing series about the progress on improving our mineral identification web app.
This is the second post about my ongoing efforts to improve the deep learning part of our mineral identification web app. This continues the previous post.
This post is about my ongoing efforts to improve the deep learning part of our mineral identification web app. Unfortunately, there has been less than expect...
So I have been working through the introductory paper on CFR: An Introduction to Counterfactual Regret Minimization. One of exercises is to implement the Fix...