ProM development using IntelliJ
While ProM plugin development has been traditionally done on Eclipse, here I experimented with how it can also be done in IntelliJ by performing the following steps:
- Install IntelliJ
- Download the Ivy plugin and Eclipser plugin. They will be in zip files; put the content (.jars) at whereIntelliJIsInstalled/lib/.
Then you are set to go! Next, we install a new package through SVN:
Checking out NewPackageIvy
- Checkout a new project and select as the folder to check out:
- Configure the projects settings (File/Project Structure), i.e., setting as Java 1.8 and at Language level set as 8-Lambda, type annotations, etc (to not use the newest Java 1.9).
- Configure the Ivy settings by adding a new setting:
- Resolve the Ivy dependency afterwards.
- Convert the .launch files using Eclipser:
- Run “ProM with UITopia (NewPackageIvy).launch and you should be able to run the plugin at IntelliJ.